Summer Reading 2024
I feel like I don't know when exactly I made a summer reading list this year—perhaps because I've been so busy this spring—but it went through all the usual stages: a few titles jotted down early in the year; a little dithering and head-scratching trying to think of more to bring it up to the usual number; seeming rather cobbled-together for a while but taking on a sort of shape when I put the finishing touches on it for this post. It started out a little more weighted towards nonfiction, but ended up being a roughly even split—and as far as subject matter goes, there seems to be two distinct trends here, if you see what I mean:
A Pastoral Song by James Rebanks
Cimarron by Edna Ferber
Rhododendron Pie by Margery Sharp
Country Editor's Boy by Hal Borland
Song of Years by Bess Streeter Aldrich
The Husband Hunters by Anne de Courcy
Our Man in Havana by Grahame Greene
False Colours by Georgette Heyer
The Provincial Lady in War-Time by E.M. Delafield
The Wire-Cutters by Mollie Evelyn Moore Davis
Cowboys and Cattle Kings by C.L. Sonnichsen*
Sussex, Kent, and Surrey 1939 by Richard Wyndham
Jane Austen and the Navy by B.C. Southam**
*I started this one earlier in the year and got sidetracked, but I am eager to finish it.
**If I can find an affordable copy...of course I would be the one to add a random title to my list because I thought it looked interesting, and then find it's out of print and even paperback copies are ridiculously expensive...
what's on your summer reading list?
image: "A Walk by the River" by Alfred Augustus Glendening Jr.