Yay for all those pesky notes! What a sweet reflection.

I can also look back and see how much all those Cary Grant movies and period dramas influenced things I've written...sometimes its really quite embarrassing. But the extent of the inspiration grows with you as a writer and I find I have come into my own ideas much more comfortably, so that I don't rely so much on dear old Cary Grant.

I'm currently working on one of those years-old projects that also won't keep quiet, so here's hoping we end up with a similar outcome. :)

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I'm not sure how I missed this comment back when it was posted! I wonder if perhaps we get better as we mature at transforming our sources of inspiration into something uniquely our own, instead of it being so obvious. Have you read 'Steal Like An Artist' by Austin Kleon? It reminds me of what he says about how we all start out (as children, many of us, and boy was that true of me) by straight-up copying the things we like, and eventually move on to more nuanced...well, 'stealing like an artist.'

I do hope your years-old project comes to fruition for you too!

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